Register online! Flipshack locations each offer distinct programs – be sure to select Cheyenne Mountain or Lincoln Center using the GREEN DROPDOWN ICON on the left of the page when redirected. You can also sign up at our desk or by calling 719-578-1006.
December 26 and 27, 12-3 PM, Ages 6 thru Teens
Build coordination, air awareness and power through the training of backward-rotating acrobatic skills on trampolines and the ground, like back flips and back handsprings. Meets at Flipshack Lincoln Center.
January 2 and 3, 12-3 PM, Ages 6 thru Teens
Build coordination, air awareness and power through the training of forward-rotating acrobatic skills on trampolines and the ground, like front flips and front handsprings. Meets at Flipshack Cheyenne Mountain.